One benefit of doing a self-build with mongrel pals is the number of unexpected skills you pick up. On this project, the main one is swearing. As an Aussie, Mal is world-class by birthright. Even his every-day non-profane chat is top-motch. "I say, old chap, do you think you might turn the generator on when you get a moment" becomes "Oi Jack, kick the genny in the guts, mate!". Bent timbers are "honeymooners" and less-than-perfect work (not that there has been much!!) is "good enough for a bush-job". Melvin has shown a rare linguistic talent, which he delivers in a gruff Calendonian growl and Dave (remember him) is a past-master at innuendo.
For the rest of the afternoon Mal built the wall and I laid the floor, through several rain-showers which threatened to leave the unpainted flooring soaking and ruined. After one particularly heavy squall I brushed all the water off, only for another to arrive five minutes later. I indulged in some colourful language of my own, which helped a bit. Later on the sun came out and dried it all, allowing us to throw assorted painty left-overs down to protect it till the roof's water-proof (see photos). Clocked off at 6pm, with everything ready for roof-truss installation on Monday.
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First floor 140707 |
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