Strawbale House

This blog is intended to chart our progress through the self-build process, from half-hearted plot-hunting through to completion of the build. The twist is that we're building the house from timber and straw (hence the blog title).

Click on the image at the end of each post to see that day's photos.

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

January 8th & 9th - Flooring

I've spent the last two days flooring like a Dervish, laying the oak downstairs while our neighbour Andrew does the same upstairs. He's a former full-time floor-layer who gave it up when he smashed a knee in a car accident. It's great to have an expert on the job, and some of the tips and techniques I've nicked from him have made a huge difference. He's about half-way through the five rooms upstairs, and I'm probably about a third of the way through the ground floor. I've hired a "Porta-nailer" machine which automatically punches nails into the tongue of each board at exactly the right angle, and tightens the floor up as it goes, making for a beautifully precise job, with the nails completely concealed. It's a marvel of a gadjet, and a snip at £35 for the week.
In the meantime, Anna's pitched up and done a couple of brief spells of external painting between school-runs etc. The front fascias are now all the same colour (black) which make quite a difference!
The photos below don't really do justice, as the colours are all to pot and the floor is very dusty, but you'll get the idea...

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